lunedì 27 ottobre 2014

III Pellegrinaggio del popolo "Summorum Pontificum" - 23-26 ottobre 2014

Pontifical Mass in St Peter’s, Celebrated by Card. Burke


Yesterday, His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Segnatura, celebrated a Pontifical Mass in St Peter’s Basilica for those participating in the Populus Summorum Pontificum pilgrimage. The day began with Eucharistic Adoration at the Basilica of San Lorenzo in Damaso, followed by a long procession through the streets of Rome, which crossed the bridge at the Ponte Sant’ Angelo to reach the Vatican. The Mass was the Saturday Votive Mass of the Virgin Mary, and His Eminence preached on the Virgin Mary as a model of our lives as pilgrims in this world. Music was provided by a choir of almost 20 seminarians from the North American College, conducted by Mr Leon Griesbach, accompanied by Mr Garret Ahlers on the organ. I am very grateful to Mr François Nanceau for providing us with links to these photos. (I was unable to take any myself, since I was the 2nd MC!) You can access the complete set on googleplus by clicking here, and on facebook by clicking here. He has also posted photographs of the Vespers celebrated by Archbishop Guido Pozzo at Trinità dei Pellegrini (here and here), and the Mass celebrated there on Friday for the feast of St Raphael and the 10th anniversary of the International Juventutem Federation (here and here). All photographs copyright François Pierre-Louis for Coetus Internationalis Summorum Pontificum.

The procession

The procession on the Ponte Sant’Angelo

The altar prepared for Mass

The entry of the card. Burke

Prayers before the altar


The Collect

The Epistle

The Gospel

The Homily

The Offertory


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