venerdì 19 dicembre 2014
Liturgy – Source of Missionary Life of the Church - Interview with Cardinal Burke and Bishop Rey
già dato conto dell’evento della presentazione, lo scorso 21 novembre,
degli Atti – in lingua italiana – del congresso Sacra
Liturgia 2013.
Ora, la
rete EWTN ha pubblicato il video delle interviste al card. Burke ed a
Mons. Rey rilasciate in quell’occasione e che avevamo già anticipate.
EWTN has just published a video report of the presentation of the English and Italian editions of the proceedings of Sacra Liturgia 2013 in
- Sacra Liturgia USA - a four day academic conference including liturgical celebrations from June 1-4, 2015 to be held in
- Sacra Liturgia Summer School will be held in
- Sacra Liturgia UK, in conjunction with CIEL
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