Sante Messe in rito antico in Puglia

venerdì 19 dicembre 2014

Liturgy – Source of Missionary Life of the Church - Interview with Cardinal Burke and Bishop Rey

Avevamo già dato conto dell’evento della presentazione, lo scorso 21 novembre, degli Atti – in lingua italiana – del congresso Sacra Liturgia 2013.

Ora, la rete EWTN ha pubblicato il video delle interviste al card. Burke ed a Mons. Rey rilasciate in quell’occasione e che avevamo già anticipate.

Si rammenta, come già da noi posto in luce alcuni giorni fa, che il prossimo anno si svolgerà in giugno il congresso Sacra Liturgia 2015.

EWTN Interview with Cardinal Burke and Bishop Rey - Sacra Liturgia - VIDEO


EWTN has just published a video report of the presentation of the English and Italian editions of the proceedings of Sacra Liturgia 2013 in Rome last month, which we reported about here. The report includes interviews with Bishop Dominique Rey and Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke on the Sacred Liturgy and upcoming Sacra Liturgia events.

The upcoming events of this initiative include:

Sacra Liturgia USA - a four day academic conference including liturgical celebrations from June 1-4, 2015 to be held in New York City;

Sacra Liturgia Summer School will be held in La Garde-Freinet, in Provence, France, from 4-19 July 2015, providing opportunities for practical and academic formation, prayer, pilgrimage and rest in the south of France;

Sacra Liturgia UK, in conjunction with CIEL UK at Merton College, Oxford from 16-19 September, 2015.

Fonte: New Liturgical Movement, Dec. 18th 2014